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Project Details

Project ID: 146
Project Type: Research
Project Title: Effects of Milk Intake on Nutrient Status & Neurocognitive Development in Toddlers: a partially randomized and controlled trial
Research Category: Quantitative
Project Description: The overarching goal of this study is to address whether improved levels of the nutrients docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), lutein, and choline in follow on formula improves the status of these nutrients in toddlers 18-24 months of age when compared to toddlers drinking cows’ milk at currently recommended levels. The follow on formula, not intended as a full diet at this age in this project is called Growing Up Milk (GUM), a milk alternate and follow on formula for children >1 year of age. Primary Objective is to compare blood status of the key nutrients of interest after 180 days drinking among toddlers aged 18 months at enrolment who are randomized in a double-blind manner to GUM with improved DHA, lutein and choline compared to standard GUM. A non-randomized group for comparison will drink either cows’ milk (comparator group) as currently recommended by Health Canada, or participate in a reference group with no drinking or feeding interventions.
Project Start Date: 09-01-2016
Project End Date: 10-31-2018
Project Listed Date: 07-27-2016
Project Contacts:
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Facility: Nutrition Research Program, CFRI

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