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Project Details

Project ID: 159
Project Type: Research
Project Title: Neuro-exergaming for All: Bringing Fun, Social Engagement & Physical Activity to Children with Cerebral Palsy
Research Category: Quantitative
Project Description: The purpose of this multicentre study is to determine whether the Liberi, multiplayer exercise video game and a novel cylcing-based exergaming station, supports groups of chldren with differing abilities to play together; and to determine whether the exergames provide cardiavascular exercise and a social experience. At each sit(Toronto and Vancouver), six children with CP GMFCS II of III, aged 12-17 will participate in weekly multiplayer cycling game sessions in which games are either balanced or unbalanced to their gross motor and fine motors abilities. Differences in game performance will be analysed in both conditons. Heart rate will measured during the gaming sessions to determine whether game parameters support moderate-to-vigorous excercise for participants. The Self-reported Experiences of Activity Settings will also be completed at the end of the 5 sessions to capture mood, enjoyment, sense of control and sense of belonging while participating in multiplayer exergaming.
Project Start Date: 04-21-2017
Project End Date: 04-01-2018
Project Listed Date: 04-24-2017
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Facility: Sunny Hill Health Centre

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